
I have been looking at the port hills with a type of yearning recently. I am longing to go for a drive, find a quiet place with a great view and sit for a while with paper and pen.

Good time out is good for my soul. I think I need to make it more regular. I like to “check in” with myself on how we are doing as a family, maybe even just sit and not even think for a bit, maybe write a bit, pray a bit, enjoy my surroundings….breathe. Just me. Alone. All by myself.

For different reasons I haven’t been able to make this happen. A new baby being one of them! I will though. With Jackson at school next week, India at kindy and Eli sleeping so much, I can make it happen.

Life is busy….I almost forgot how draining the first few weeks of a baby’s life can be! Eli is such a joy though. I wake in the middle of the night to him and count myself blessed. He is beautiful…a gift. Even though I stumble into his room, tired as, I know now how quickly these moments pass, how these are only a tiny dot on the timeline of my life. One day Jack and Indi were tiny beings in my arms and by the end of this year they will both be at school! Every part of me says “Kerry, enjoy your baby, enjoy your children while they are still children and still in your care”. So I talk softly to him, sing to him, kiss his soft little cheeks and just love him.

I sat down to read to my kids the other night. I love reading to them and have made it a practice since before they were even born. As I was reading, Jack and India tucked in close to me, Eli was asleep in my lap. I enjoy this time. Jack didn’t move OR talk, India snuggled in close. The silence, the stillness of my children, just listening. Then it was time for bed…..the stillness and silence ceased and as Jack and India were tired and grumpy there was great commotions about brushing teeth, toileting, even just getting their bodies into bed seemed to be asking too much of them.

Enjoying the moments. Enjoying life. Something I am going to do more of this year.

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